Who We Help

We help a wide array of businesses across diverse industries from small to large corporations. Our goal is the same no matter the size or industry; to help you win in the online market.

Services Sector
We assist businesses providing business solutions to other businesses (b2b) as well as businesses offering services to consumers (b2c). Whether you are in real estate, travel industry, financial services, IT Services, insurance services, medical services, education sector or even home services such as plumbing, cleaning etc., we have got you covered.
E-commerce Businesses
E-commerce has changed the way people buy and sell products and services. It doesn’t matter what you are selling online, we can help you reach your target market and make a great impression that will only lead them to trust your products/services and thereafter buy from you.

Not for profit organizations
Just because your organization is not for profit making doesn’t mean you don’t require a winning online strategy. Your target audience for the causes you are running is out there and we can help you reach them. Whether it’s a religious institution, political party or charity organization, Lepoa will assist you meet your goals.
Yes, you read that right. We do assist personalities in developing their online brand and overall online reputation. From book authors, to influencers, to bloggers and anyone who has a message that cuts across a section of society, we are here to help you succeed in your online game.

The Lepoa Difference

Our guiding mantra is ‘Be Different’. We believe that being different gives you an upper edge from your competition. Our mission is to help you reach and connect with your target audience in the digital world by inspiring you to try new things, be different and do better.